Reward Program

Login or join now to start earning points and getting rewards.

Want to get rewarded for shopping?

FOTILE America allows you to seamlessly earn points and redeem them for great kitchen products or an Amazon gift card!

There are lots of ways you can earn points!

Step 1 :Make a Purchase

By placing an order on FOTILE America you will receive points based on the amount that you spend.

Step 2 : Share the Love

Share the Love

Step 3 : Connect with Us

Let us know more about you by completing your Client Profile.



Place an order

1 Point for every $1 spent

Celebrate a birthday

100 Points


100 Points

Share on Facebook

100 points

Share on Twitter

100 points

Follow on Instagram

100 Points

Like on Facebook

100 Points

Write a review

300 Points

Upload a photo

200 Points

Upload a video

200 Points

$10 Amazon Gift Card

$15 Amazon Gift Card

$20 Amazon Gift Card

$25 Amazon Gift Card

$50 Amazon Gift Card